STEVE JOBS (Poem in Memoriam)


Thank you my friend for the marvelous devices
that you have brought to this world out of Eden,
where you from the science-tree picked the APPLE
and gave it to us, the wrath of gods not fearing.

 Just as Prometheus stole fire from Olympus,
and then Jove sent to his chains the infamous eagle
to daily bite him a piece out from his liver
as punishment for promoting mankind wiser,

 I thus can see your disease and all the suffering
as a way of paying for all the pain spared*
in daily tasks -into elegance transformed-
and to millions of people the joy given.

 Thus I wish you that all such a good karma**
promotes not a next (as NEXT you did already),
life in this world, but one that is much happier
in paradise amidst extensive orchards
of those -at one of their sides bitten- golden apples.

 * Law of redemption through sacrifice.
**Law of the consequences our actions good and bad, so we are reborn in successive lives in order to debug and  to be finally able to unite with the Absolute.
Recall that SJ was, is Buddhist.

albertotroconiz /11

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